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काबू kaboo origen
the origin of kaäboo

Action of surpassing or overcome

from Hindi 'action of surpassing or surpassing oneself'. It is the word that perfectly defines this idea in its translation into our language. The concept defines what we intend to tell people about our commitment to accompanying them along the way in their search for their well-being.

 Kaäboo is a project born from an in-depth analysis of the current social environment and the evolution of the population's needs, where an increase in health problems derived from poor diet and a sedentary life is observed. This, together with the importance given in many cases to physical appearance, makes diet and sport two fundamental aspects to take into account in people's way of life.
my name is lourdes

As a child I grew up among stoves and values

My parents owned a catering company, and their central kitchen was located in the same school where my brothers and I studied. Imagine: stoves, self-service trays, festive banquets and celebrations of all kinds. From community events of the religious order to which we belonged, to the most popular festivities such as Fallas, comparsas and communions, the kitchen was the epicenter of our life.

My father has been my greatest inspiration

A chef by profession with an unwavering passion for his craft. For him, work, effort and dedication were a daily commitment. He cooked with a palpable passion, with affection and a love that was reflected in every dish he served.
A chef by profession with an unwavering passion for his craft. For him, work, effort and dedication were a daily commitment. He cooked with a palpable passion, with affection and a love that was reflected in every dish he served.

It was in that environment where the seeds of my passion for nutrition. Understanding the importance of ingredients, combinations and nutritional balance became second nature. I grew up with a deep appreciation for the relationship between food and health, and this connection became my compass.

Combining university studies with work in the family business was our daily bread. We often found ourselves finishing a banquet on a Saturday at 2am, exhausted but satisfied. Then, a quick shower and enjoy with friends. The next day, it was time to arrive at the university with my tongue hanging out... I'm sure you know what I mean.

In that process, I learned the value of effort and perseverance. My experience taught me that, with dedication and passion, any challenge can be overcome.

In 2019 life challenged me. 
Welcome chemo!


In January 2019, I received the diagnosis of breast cancer. This led me down a path that included mastectomy surgery and chemotherapy treatment. The side effects of chemotherapy are undoubtedly a challenge. However, I always say: "Welcome chemo!"

During that period, I had the immense fortune of having a magnificent environment: my family and friends, those true and quality ones who are there when you need them most. Thanks to your support, what could have been an "annus horribilis" happened faster than I imagined.

However, my journey through cancer led me to seek out countless amounts of information. I researched nutrition, the importance of exercise, and relaxation techniques to help my body and mind cope. In the midst of my search, I realized how essential it was to find a space where people facing cancer can get answers to their questions, beyond medical oncology consultations.

This is how I became aware of the field of oncological nutrition. I understood that proper nutrition and physical and emotional well-being are fundamental components on the path to recovery and well-being during and after cancer treatment.

Today, as a nutritionist, I am committed to providing comprehensive support to those fighting cancer and their loved ones. My goal is to provide expert nutrition and wellness guidance, tailored to the unique needs of each individual on their cancer-fighting journey.
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