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Good habits for a menopause healthy

Menopause is a natural process in women

The menopause it's a natural process in every woman that can lead to a series of associated disorders that negatively affect, to a greater or lesser extent, her quality of life and her general health. From the first symptoms, when the rules are still in place, it is important to take preventive measures and adopt healthy lifestyles.

The first phase known as premenopause, lasts approximately 5 years. During this period, different changes occur that can affect both physical and psychological aspects:

  • Prolongation of time between menstruations
  • Vasomotor symptoms (hot flashes), sweating, dry skin and mucous membranes 
  • change in body fat distribution
  • onset of an increase in the rate of bone loss) 
  • Greater emotionality, irritability, decreased ability to concentrate, anxiety, depression...

In the second phase, the menopause itself, demarcated by the date of the last menstruation (12 months without a period), the moment at which fertile capacity disappears and which gradually extends until reaching postmenopause. 

In these two stages, health problems related to the metabolic, cardiovascular, osteoarticular and genitourinary systems, mainly, can occur.  

It is important to understand what happens during this stage of life and know what we can do to avoid, alleviate and/or treat these possible symptoms.

Nutritional recommendations are aimed at treating the symptoms that may appear during menopause. It should be noted that good eating, exercise and health habits prior to menopause will contribute to greater well-being and quality of life. 

What can we do to improve...

Our bone health

During the first few years after menopause, you may lose bone density at a rapid rate, increasing your risk of osteoporosis, due to hormonal changes, so it is very important to ensure sufficient calcium intake and maintain healthy levels. of optimal vitamin D to avoid osteoporosis, as well as performing strength exercises to prevent the loss of bone and muscle mass.

At the cardiovascular level (heart and blood vessels)

The decrease in estrogen levels generates changes in the distribution of body fat, there is a greater accumulation of fat in the abdominal area, and total cholesterol levels tend to rise. Another reason to exercise regularly is to have a balanced diet sufficient to maintain a normal weight.

What happens in our metabolism

From menopause onwards, metabolism tends to be lower Therefore, daily caloric expenditure decreases and can translate into weight gain.

Hence the importance of adapting the diet to the circumstances of each woman and promoting healthy habits that allow us to keep the metabolism active: taking a walk, walking to places when possible, avoiding elevators, doing more intense and/or strength exercise. As far as possible, try to have and maintain good muscles… 

There is an increase in the hormone Ghrelin, responsible for the feeling of hunger, we may be hungrier than usual and it may be necessary to readjust the proportions of the diet to adapt to this change: increase the consumption of vegetables, foods rich in fiber and Ensure sufficient caloric intake.

Taking all these recommendations into account, we should consider that although it may be necessary to readjust the diet, caloric intake and/or proportions of the diet, it is important to know that it is neither necessary nor healthy to go hungry.

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